

It is said that one of our biggest fears is public speaking. 

So what’s the best way to get over our fears and become more resilient and confident? By facing them head-on!

Concours d’art oratoire is Canada’s largest annual French public-speaking competition. The competition is open to students in every province and territory in a wide range of categories. Thousands of students participate every year in communities big and small for their opportunity to win prizes and/or scholarships to postsecondary institutions.


In-Person Semi-Finals

The In-Person Semi-Finals are public-speaking competitions for French-language learners across the country. Students are tasked with writing and presenting an original three to five-minute-long speech in French on a topic of their choice. They then present that speech at an in-person competition for fellow competitors.


To be eligible for the Virtual Concours Semi-Final:

  • You must reside in Canada.
  • You must be a student in Grade 9-12. 
    Note: Only Grade 11 and 12 Virtual Concours Semi-Final winners will be able to advance to the National Finals. 
  • Your school must be located more than 250 km from an In-Person Semi-Final location. 
    Note: This distance may vary between CPF Branches coordinating in-person competitions and travel subsidies exist in some regions to encourage and aid transportation to the local In-Person Semi-Final. Please contact your CPF Branch to confirm if you are eligible for the Virtual Semi-Final competition. 
    Note: You can still participate in the In-Person Semi-Final, if you qualify for it, even if you live more than 250 km away and wish to travel.
  • If your school or school district participates in Concours d’art oratoire, you must qualify at the school-level or the district level (whichever is higher) in order to be eligible for the Virtual Concours Semi-Final.
  • You must have access to a stable internet connection, a functional webcam, and a microphone.

View PDF of Official Categories [FR & EN]

The winners in each category will receive cash prizes. 

Grades 11 & 12 

  • 1st place: $300
  • 2nd place: $200
  • 3rd place: $100

Grades 9 & 10

  • 1st place: $150
  • 2nd place: $100
  • 3rd place: $75

All participants will also be entered into a draw for door prizes including gift cards, books, and other exciting swag.

The winners in grades 11 & 12 (Sec. 5 & CEGEP 1) are eligible to advance and compete in the National Final, where winners receive scholarships from colleges and universities across Canada worth up to $33,000.


Virtual Semi-Finals

The Virtual Concours d’art oratoire Semi-Final is a public-speaking competition for high school students (grades 9-12) who are French-language learners and are unable to participate in an in-person competition. Students are tasked with writing and presenting an original three to five-minute-long speech in French on a topic of their choice. They then present that speech in a live zoom competition for fellow competitors and judges. Winners qualify for the National Finals.

Deadline to Register: April 19, 2025
Contest: May 3, 2025
Cost to participate: $25



National Finals

The National Concours d’art oratoire is a public-speaking competition for high school students (grades 11-12) who have won their Semi-Final competition (see below).

Deadline to Register: June 1, 2025

Registration form will open after the semi-finals are complete.

  • Grade 11 & 12 students who place 1st in each of the categories at the In-Person or Virtual Semi-Finals qualify to move on to the National Finals.
  • Students advancing to the National Final competition may submit the same video or they may re-record their speech for submission.

    View PDF of Official Categories [FR & EN]