Concours d’art oratoire is Canada’s largest annual French public-speaking competition! 




The competition is open to students in every province and territory in a wide range of age/grade categories and French abilities. Thousands of French-language learners participate every year in communities big and small for their opportunity to win prizes and/or scholarships to postsecondary institutions!

Concours d’art oratoire has proven to be highly beneficial for students as it:

  • Stimulates their interest in learning French;
  • Improves their speaking and pronunciation skills;
  • Offers them the experience of speaking French in public;
  • Provides an opportunity to foster a community of active French language learners; and
  • Demonstrates the relevance of French language instruction in the ‘real world.’

What people are saying about participating in Concours

Merci beaucoup! J'ai vécu une expérience très précieuse, et j'espère continuer à poursuivre le français à l'avenir. Merci beaucoup!

— Student 1st Place Winner (Core French)

Speaking French gives us great opportunities like able to make friends in different groups and allow us to communicate with different groups. I recognized my ability of French and thought I need to learn more through other competitors

— Student 3rd place winner (late French immersion)

The "Concours D'art Oratoire" has been a remarkable experience this year despite virtual circumstances.

— Student 2nd place winner (Early Immersion)

I have come to realize that learning French was the best investment I had ever made because it paid off with a scholarship to the university of my choice. I was at the point of dropping it 2 years ago and now I try to urge other students to invest in French so that they can reap the rewards.

— Student Participant from Manitoba

Coming from a rather Anglophone part of Canada, participating in the Finals contest in Ottawa made me realize how prevalent the French language is in Canada and how important it is in Canada's history. 

— Student Participant from Saskatchewan

It exposed me to a French-speaking atmosphere which I would not have the opportunity to experience in Alberta!

— Student Participant from Alberta


Year after year, Concours d'art oratoire is an experience for students and parents alike that leaves a lasting positive influence on all those who join us for the event. Explore some of the amazing memories we've collected from Concours over the years.